A person would have to live under a rock to escape all the buzz surrounding Acai and Chinese green tea. Diets have been created which feature them, celebrities have raved about their benefits, respected researchers have been gushing after the results of preliminary research. In fact, the disease fighting properties of these 2 supplement "super powers" may be the missing link in promoting ultra longevity!
The health benefits of Chinese green tea and acai berries are almost too numerous to mention. With that in mind, I have narrowed my list to the 3 components most responsible for potentially increasing longevity.
1) Mega Powerful Anti-Oxidants
Many scientists now support the free radical theory of aging and disease. Free radicals are unstable molecules that are created by oxidation. Sort of an eternal "rust".
Free radicals are present in our bodies naturally, however, toxic materials in our environment cause an increase in free radicals.
Chinese green tea and Acai berries contain polyphenols and anthocyanins, respectively. They are two of the most powerful free radical "scavengers" known to science. These "scavengers" have the ability to "seek out", and destroy free radicals.
Blueberries have long been established as the food source highest in anti-oxidants. The combination of Chinese green tea and acai berries provides 30X more anti-oxidant protection than blueberries!
2) Omega 3-6-9 Fatty Acids
Acai berries are a rich source of omega 3-6-9 fatty acids. This is the fatty acid profile that has been linked to the prevention of heart disease, stroke, even Alzheimer's disease.
The anti inflammatory properties of omega fatty acids could be a factor in fighting arthritis.
3) Regulation Of Blood Sugar
Chinese green tea has been used for years as a means of regulating blood glucose levels. This is important because our cells must burn sugars efficiently to operate properly. The catechins present in Chinese green tea also have been proven to increase metabolism and promote fat loss.
So, where can you get the benefits of Chinese green tea and acai berries in an easy to take form?