© Sky
Steven Spielberg briefly showed interest in realizing Scheuring's pitch as a 14-part miniseries, but in the intervening time, Fox had noted the new-found popularity of serial dramas such as ABC's Lost and their own 24. The network gave Scheuring a second chance, and so Prison Break was born...
Prison Break: Originally broadcast from August 29, 2005 to May 15, 2009
Fox was ultimately right to take a chance on Scheuring - the unique format is part of what makes this show's first season so great. Before entering the imposing Fox River prison facility, Michael Scofield - played by the impossibly handsome Wentworth Miller - has the finer details of his escape plan tattooed onto his body.
Handily, Scofield helped to design Fox River himself and each week another piece of the puzzle slotted into place as the dashing engineer-turned-criminal came ever close to breaking out. It's a testament to how addictive the show's storytelling became that this writer - armed with a DVD boxset - watched most of the first season in a single day...
Michael's foes/uneasy allies were also personified by a range of talented actors - Wade Williams excels as antagonistic correctional officer Brad Bellick, while Peter Stormare made for a terrific John Abruzzi and Paul Adelstein brought a chilling stillness to the role of 'Company' assassin Kellerman.