Last night, I had a dream that I was hanging out with Wentworth Miller and Corine from Complicated Mama. We were at the mall checking out the after holiday sales. Suitcases and fleece robes were on clearance. Then we were sitting at a table drinking bourbon and I was like, “Oh, I can’t drink this. I’m six months pregnant. Also, sipping bourbon straight is kind of gross.”
And then Rembot woke me up and I got her dressed for preschool in a post-faux-bourbon-dream-haze.
Pregnant dreams are bananas, y’all. Bananas.
Maybe Wentworth Miller and Corine had the same dreams? Corine, do you want to weigh in? Wentworth, do you need help picking out new luggage?
You know, because you look really concerned about all of this. Listen, we purchased some diesel Eddie Bauer luggage a few years back. My weekend suitcase has taken a beating and still looks fantastic. Problem solved, right? It’s cool, Went. It’s cool.
So, a couple of weeks ago, I asked you all to take a little survey about my blog. 301 of you did, and I’ve spent some time reading through the answers. I hesitated to share some of the answers with you because I’m a little sensitive, but when it comes down to it… I always want to grow and be a better blogger/writer/Cupid shuffle-r. (To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right.)
Some things I’ve learned:
1) Not everyone loves Ballers of History or Cute Stuff Sales. I’ll be doing the Cute Stuff Sale with less frequency in 2012, and I have not yet decided the fate of Ballers of History.
2) Some people have no idea who the silhouette girl was, and thus, do not miss her. (If you’re wondering, when I first started this blog, I had an image of a silhouette of a girl with a pink brain with hearts in it in the header.)
3) People like the new design over the old design. (Thanks, Don!)

5) I asked what you thought about the sponsored content on this site, and this was the most popular response:
And then Rembot woke me up and I got her dressed for preschool in a post-faux-bourbon-dream-haze.
Pregnant dreams are bananas, y’all. Bananas.
Maybe Wentworth Miller and Corine had the same dreams? Corine, do you want to weigh in? Wentworth, do you need help picking out new luggage?
You know, because you look really concerned about all of this. Listen, we purchased some diesel Eddie Bauer luggage a few years back. My weekend suitcase has taken a beating and still looks fantastic. Problem solved, right? It’s cool, Went. It’s cool.
So, a couple of weeks ago, I asked you all to take a little survey about my blog. 301 of you did, and I’ve spent some time reading through the answers. I hesitated to share some of the answers with you because I’m a little sensitive, but when it comes down to it… I always want to grow and be a better blogger/writer/Cupid shuffle-r. (To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right.)
Some things I’ve learned:
1) Not everyone loves Ballers of History or Cute Stuff Sales. I’ll be doing the Cute Stuff Sale with less frequency in 2012, and I have not yet decided the fate of Ballers of History.
2) Some people have no idea who the silhouette girl was, and thus, do not miss her. (If you’re wondering, when I first started this blog, I had an image of a silhouette of a girl with a pink brain with hearts in it in the header.)
3) People like the new design over the old design. (Thanks, Don!)
4) 50% of you gave me the go ahead with writing about “potentially taboo topics” while another 40% of you said, “I’d have to see if I like it.” I jumped in and wrote about politics here. What do you think? Can I roll with the taboo? Hm?
5) I asked what you thought about the sponsored content on this site, and this was the most popular response:
In the interest of being open, let me explain how sponsored content works. Sometimes a brand contacts me and wants to know if I’d like to partner with them. If it’s a brand that I can get behind and I think you’d like, too, then we discuss compensation and go from there. I will always write a disclosure at the bottom of the posts to keep in line with FTC regulations.
Sometimes I have an idea for a blog post, and I’ll contact a brand directly. I knew I wanted to have another What’s in Your Bag linkup party, so I contacted Elliott Lucca to see if they’d like to do a giveaway in correlation with that. I was not compensated monetarily for that post, but I had to write a disclosure anyway.
I turn a brand down if it is not a good fit for me AND you. For example, unless I’m blogging when I’m 70, NiceGirlNotes will probably never partner with Polident. (Watch them offer me meeeellions of dollars now.)
6) Y’all want more giveaways. Free swag is awesome; I can probably do that for ya, boos.
7) I have a ton (301 to be exact) of personal thoughts on the site. Some of them were fantastic. Some were less-than-fantastic but totally made me think. Thank you for your honesty, and thanks for taking the time to fill it out. :D :D :D If you’ve got any other thoughts, hook me up in the comment section.
Maybe tonight it will be you and me and Wentworth Miller shopping for mercury glass picture frames. So fresh.