But after giving birth to a little boy she decided to re-decorate her whole house in blue to make him feel more at home.
Wanda Matthews, 25, was so addicted to pink that everything in her life from her hairdryer to washing up gloves had the same pinky tint.
But when she discovered she was pregnant with son Kaiden she decided it wouldn't be fair for him to grow up in her pink palace.
Wanda's cerise wallpaper in her living room was swapped for a flowery sky-blue print, the hot pink wall paint was covered over with navy, the rose rug was replaced by a teal one and the crimson coloured cushions on her sofa are now different shades of aqua.
In her kitchen her pink cleaning products, toaster, kettle and washing up gloves were all thrown out to make way for their perfect blue replacements and even her previously girly bowls, plates and scissors are now hidden at the back of the cupboards while their indigo rivals are on display.
She was addicted to buying clothes, make-up, wigs, accessories and spent a fortune on her appearance every month, often spending hours at a time getting ready for a night out.
But since giving birth to her son and becoming a full-time mother, those days are far behind her and she has even dyed her hair too.
Wanda, from Bolton, Greater Manchester, whose son is now eight months old, said: 'When I found out I was having a boy my first thought was what was I going to do about all the pink.
'The pink was fine when it was just us girls, but not for him. It did take me quite a while to warm to the idea though.
'The first thing I did was his bedroom and I made it yellow and then I started to add a few blue bits and then more and more.
'I think the yellow was to ease myself into the idea of getting rid of the pink.
'And then around Christmas time I started to do the living room blue. I decorated it completely, wall paper and painted it.
by little: She began by painting some parts of the house yellow to ease
herself into getting rid of the pink and it slowly all became blue
'I got a new blue rug and a new couch and cushions.
'I've always wanted to have a boy but I was sort of expecting a girl, because I'd already had two.
'I wanted a boy, but I didn't want to get rid of the pink.'
When Wanda became a mother to two daughters she remembered how as a little girl she had dreamed of one day having an all pink bedroom.
And she quickly decided she didn't want her girls to ever miss out on anything and from that moment began planning every little girls dream - a completely pink house.
But after a brief relationship Wanda discovered she was pregnant and was shocked to be told at her 20 week scan that it was a baby boy.
Instantly the mother's mind raced as to how a little boy would cope growing up in her bright girly home.
Now, that the pink has gone Wanda desperately misses her 'loud' home but believes it is a sacrifice she has to make for her son.
The mother has however kept her own bedroom and her daughter's room as girly as possible with every single item being a perfect shade of pink - their own little 'girly piece of heaven.'
Wanda added: 'The girls were asking me where all the pink had gone, I think they were a bit upset too.
'They did love it but I explained I got the flowers on the wallpaper just for them and they were happy again.
'And then around Christmas time I started to do the living room blue. I decorated it completely, wall paper and painted it.
'I've always wanted to have a boy but I was sort of expecting a girl, because I'd already had two.
'I wanted a boy, but I didn't want to get rid of the pink.'
When Wanda became a mother to two daughters she remembered how as a little girl she had dreamed of one day having an all pink bedroom.
And she quickly decided she didn't want her girls to ever miss out on anything and from that moment began planning every little girls dream - a completely pink house.
But after a brief relationship Wanda discovered she was pregnant and was shocked to be told at her 20 week scan that it was a baby boy.
Instantly the mother's mind raced as to how a little boy would cope growing up in her bright girly home.
Now, that the pink has gone Wanda desperately misses her 'loud' home but believes it is a sacrifice she has to make for her son.
The mother has however kept her own bedroom and her daughter's room as girly as possible with every single item being a perfect shade of pink - their own little 'girly piece of heaven.'
Wanda added: 'The girls were asking me where all the pink had gone, I think they were a bit upset too.
'They did love it but I explained I got the flowers on the wallpaper just for them and they were happy again.
'There's still bits I need to finish off as there's still the odd bit of pink around but I'll be really sad to see it go.
'I do miss it, it's such a big difference now, before it was bright and happy and in your face, whereas now it's a lot darker and more subtle.
'I think it will just take some getting used to.
'I did prefer the pink but I think it's important for him, I can't be taking pictures of him with pink everywhere in the background.
'My bedroom and the girls' bedroom is still pink, it's our little safe heavens.'